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From first draft to national distribution. A book, a website and social media

Molly Henderson had a story to tell. She ran for county commissioner in 2 elections. She served four tumultuous years as a County Commissioner Her name was mentioned in over 1,600 newspaper articles. There were lawsuits, depositions, transcripts, winners and losers Molly had a story to tell. Her story. She knew it needed to be a book. She was determined that her story be supported by facts. She came to Affinigent with a manuscript, hoping to turn it into a real book. So that is what we did…and more. Step one was to create the design for the book. It was a complex story that required extensive text, over 740 footnotes, graphics and illustrations. Once the design of the book was complete, it needed an audience. Amazon provided a platform to make it available to anyone. There was the paperback book you could touch and feel and own. There was also a Kindle version. Even with a 545 page book, Molly’s story was not complete. A website would share all of the supporting documents that told the whole story. Finding a wider audience was also part of the plan. A few videos, a Facebook Page and LinkedIN posts rounded out the initial promotional phase. That is what we mean when we talk about Transformation. It started with an idea, a story, in this case a manuscript. The transformation was complete with a book, a website, videos and social media.

Our Transformation Are Completely Unique to You

Let’s discuss your vision of what the ‘next level’ for you business might look like. Our transformations will get you there to realize your vision. It all starts with a simple conversation about where your are now and where you want to be.