FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions And Answers!

Affinigent was started in 1999 as a web development company for small and medium business enterprises.  The focus of the business was initially on more complex websites that were integrated with critical business functions.  By 2010 additional capabilities such as ecommerce, marketing automation and internet marketing had become critical services to many clients.  By 2020 membership sites were added to the portfolio.  Affinigent operates with 2 key brands, Business Heroes (™) and Spiffy ®.

Business Heroes started as a local Meetup featuring training on Internet Marketing concepts and Networking for business owners.  With the global pandemic of 2020 the functions moved online and expanded with nation and international participants.  Today the BusinessHeroes.Network website features extensive public content.  There is also a membership site at members.businessheroes.network that includes online video training, resources for business owners, forums and Member Profiles that facilitate networking

 (Businesses often evolve,