You are a target… Attention to security is step #1

Passwords are a pain. To protect yourself you need complex passwords and you need them to be different for different sites. Here is a link to our article on how we handle passwords.
Even with a good passwords, you can be at risk in a number of ways. The next level of protection is designed to keep someone out of your stuff even if they know your password. It is a second form of identification for you. Here is an article on2 factor authentication,
Hacking your email is a problem. Phishing is often their way in. There are lots and lots of examples of this. It is pretty likely that the Russians used advanced phishing techniques to hack the email of the Democratic National Committee and John Pedesto in the 2016 presidential election. Testing for vulnerabilities and traIning your people about what to look for are best practices that you can learn more about here.
Google’s G Suite products make it really easy to implement advanced security features for all of your team. More about this highly secure collaboration platform here. Implementing great security with G Suites helps to protect you many other places on the web too. G Suite includes email, calendar, cloud storage on Google Drive, collaboration on documents, spreadsheets, presentations and more.
Smart backups are a great way to protect yourself. Backing up the right material at the right time (automatically) and being certain that you can restore your data are key considerations. We discuss different backup strategies in this blog post.
Your company website needs to be properly secured too. Even if your website does not do transactions and is solely a repository of ‘marketing’ information, there are security best practices that you need to be aware of. Encrypting communications to and from your website provides security benefits, search ranking benefits and and it can help ensure that users feel safe while interacting with your content.

Using complex and unique passwords for different sites is essential for protecting yourself online. If you reuse passwords or choose weak ones, a security breach on one site can compromise your accounts on other sites as well. Complex and unique passwords make it more difficult for hackers to gain unauthorized access to your accounts and personal information.

Two-factor authentication is an additional layer of security that requires a second form of identification, along with your password, to access your accounts. It provides an extra level of protection even if someone knows your password. Implementing 2FA adds an extra barrier for potential attackers and significantly enhances the security of your accounts.

Phishing attacks often serve as a method for hackers to gain access to sensitive information, including email accounts. Protecting against phishing involves training your team to recognize phishing attempts, regularly testing for vulnerabilities, and implementing security best practices. By educating yourself and your team about common phishing techniques, you can minimize the risk of falling victim to such attacks.

Properly securing your company website is essential for various reasons. Encrypting communications to and from your website provides security benefits by protecting sensitive data and preventing unauthorized access. Additionally, it can improve search rankings and enhance user trust, ensuring that visitors feel safe while interacting with your website’s content.